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  • Writer's pictureCarlee Hontz

Week 2 in Sorrento!

My second week in Sorrento was a very random mix of activities in several different locations. My first half of the week I was focused on catching up and getting myself back together after the busy weekend.

During one of our lectures, Olga Stinga came to guest speak and shared a lot about the traditions, culture and religion in Sorrento and the surrounding areas outside. These types of lectures about the history of the area and people who live here are what interest me most. She discussed several religious traditions including the Procession and her specific role in it. She showed us these beautiful flowers that she creates for days such as Palm Sunday or weddings. I found it very cool to hear from someone with a lifestyle that contrasts from mine and it was very eye-opening to listen to her talk about her culture.

This week I also had my first presentation for my business class, which was about the European Union. The week prior I had done research about the EU and in class I had to present to everyone. It was pretty nerve wracking at first, but I ended up doing well! I also learned a ton of new things from my classmates’ presentations as well. Here is my presentation about the EU:

We also got assigned a new project surrounding entrepreneurship in the global environment. My group and I decided to create a company based in Italy that sells sunglasses that also function as goggles. These will be a more stylish option that has dual functions; we named the company Acqua e Sole and I created the logo for it. We have not finished it yet, but it has been fun to create a mock business based in a different country that has different culture and needs.

One day after class, myself and my two group members for the Sorrento project, Anna and Melina, went to Museo Bottega della Tarsia Lignea. This museum showcases many different types of Intarsia, which is a craft dedicated to wood inlaying. It was fascinating to see how intricate the carvings were, especially because they were done so long ago. This was also my first museum visit in Sorrento which felt like a monumental moment.

Other than my school and classes, I have made some really great memories this week. My roommate and I made a fabulous dinner that we enjoyed on the terrace with some new friends as the sun went down. I finished a new book, soaked up the sun, walked around the town.

On Friday, we had a field trip to Paestum and Salerno. In Paestum, we were able to see ancient ruins which were absolutely mind blowing. It is really difficult for me to wrap my mind around the fact that these structures were built thousands of years ago and still stand today.

We also visited a World War II cemetery at the end of the field trip on Friday which was a new experience for me on this trip. So far, I have had positive experiences where it was fun to learn about these things. The cemetery was the first majorly upsetting place that I have been to on this trip. It forced me to think and feel things I haven’t thought of in a while. It also reminded me how thankful I should be for my life. Many of the soldiers in the cemetery were no more than 2 years older than me which made me very upset. I am happy that I got the opportunity to see this – it was very beautiful and I think it was something that I had to see.

On a more positive note, some friends and I made our way to Rome after the field trip. Over the weekend I was able to see the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain and the Colosseum. The Sistine Chapel was incredible and honestly breathtaking – I have never been somewhere like that before. The Colosseum blew my mind with how big it was. I feel so lucky to have visited these locations and to even go to Rome at all!

(Throwing a coin in the Trevi Fountain)

(Beautiful area in the Vatican)

Also of course when in Rome, you need to try the food! I had I think the best meal of my life at Il Duca.

Another amazing week in Sorrento, but I am starting to get sad that I am basically half way through this trip! :(

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