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The Full Story

Skills Developed

Throughout my time abroad, I was faced with new situations, experiences, and challenges in which I built upon my skills.


Cultural Awareness

Before studying abroad, I had only been out of the country a few times. I had learned about other cultures in my courses but had never been fully immersed. Although Sorrento was a bit touristy, I learned so much about the history and deep-rooted traditions in the area. Through our field trips to surrounding areas such as Naples, Herculaneum, Oplontis, and more, we were able to see how Italians live and the history behind it. It is extremely important to be respectful whenever visiting a new place, and I am very grateful that I got to meet locals and learn about their culture and lives.


Working on a Team

Our study abroad program had many UF students, but also welcomed students from across the United States. In my Competing in a Global Environment Course, I was put on randomly selected teams with people I had never met before. We all had different schedules and priorities, but we were able to work together to create a solid final product to present in class. We were from all over the US, united by the fact that we chose to study in Sorrento. Although we had different backgrounds and it wasn't always simple to work together, we accomodated and compromised and I still keep in touch with some of my team members.



Living on my own at a college a flight away from my family was a big step to being more independent. But, I had no idea how important independence would be when studying abroad. Before living in Sorrento, I went on travels with my good friend. We planned the entire two weeks ourselves, finding safe and affordable places to stay, arranging transportation, and finding our way around. Living in a different country requires a lot of independence and responsibility. I believe that I was independent before this experience, but doing so only showed me how much more I am capable of.


I have taken many years of Spanish, through middle and high school. I quickly learned when traveling to Spain that Spanish in the classroom is much different than being surrounded by native Spanish speakers. Learning on the fly, remembering the language from years prior, and finding new ways to communicate was all I could do when I was in Spain. I found that people are very kind and understanding, but I see how much they appreciate when you know and utilize their language. I believe that there is a level of respect when trying to communicate and learn a new language. This has inspired me to brush up on my Spanish skills for when I return to the country.




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