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My Background


Hi! My name is Carlee Hontz and I am from West Chester, Pennsylvania. I am currently a fourth year student at the University of Florida, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Marketing with a minor in Entrepreneurship. I am very passionate about Marketing and making a positive impact through business. 


Through my on-campus experience with Dance Marathon at UF, I have seen how much impact a dedicated group of individuals can make on others. In my experience on the executive board of the American Marketing Association chapter at UF and as a Lead Teaching Assistant for Professional Selling, I have learned how to lead a group of bright individuals and spread knowledge and experience to others. My experiences at UF coupled with my work experience have opened my eyes to the importance of being a changemaker and creating a positive impact on the world.


I have also gotten the experience to study abroad and embark on personal travels, which have changed my outlook on the world. I value making connections with others, creating new experiences, and learning about other cultures. I hope to continue to explore post-grad, and use what I learn to create impact.



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