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Final Reflection

I was a freshman when I heard about the International Scholars Program. I had no idea what it was, but I knew studying abroad was a part of it. I decided to apply for the program and start looking into my options for study abroad. I knew I wanted to travel – I had been very few places, but my dad studied abroad in college and had such an incredible experience. My older sister also told me about her time studying abroad and I knew that this was an experience that I needed to take on myself.


One of my best friends and roommates had a similar interest. We looked into programs and attended the study abroad fair, in awe at all of the options and a bit overwhelmed. We knew little to nothing about travel. We came across the UF in Sorrento table and met the amazing Paloma Rodriguez. The way she spoke about the program alongside her passion and energy made the decision much easier for us. After talking with Paloma and speaking with our parents, we applied for the UF in Sorrento program. Months later, we began planning our trip. We decided to go off on our own and visit other places before and after our study abroad program as well.


Summer of 2022 was the most incredible summer. Starting off the summer with my Grandma in Switzerland on a Rick Steve’s tour was my first taste of European travel and culture. I was astonished at the insane views and the history behind the beautiful place. Our Swiss tour guide was amazing, taking us to local businesses and restaurants as well as popular tourist destinations. I traveled around Switzerland with a group of about 20 people, who went from strangers to friends. We even got to visit a farm in the Swiss Alps – they didn’t really speak much English, but we found other ways to communicate. We communicated through music and they taught me several of their historical instruments. This trip was a beautiful combination of seeing popular destinations while also integrating and communicating with locals. I returned from the trip excited and inspired for my next travels a few weeks later.


Then came time for the big trip; my friend Jess and I had planned out some travels for the two of us before our Study Abroad. She had never been to Europe and I had only been twice, once with my family and the second time on a guided tour. This was an incredible feat – two 20 year olds traveling across the world by themselves. I was scared and excited, a mix of emotions. Little did I know that this trip would be so lifechanging and I would create memories to look back on for the rest of my life.



Once we landed in Madrid, Spain, I had a lot of anxiety. There were definitely mixed emotions – excitement, nervousness, independence, awestruck, and more. This first stop was a moment of change for both myself and Jess. We realized that we were capable of so much more than we thought. We had planned where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do, and we were able to put those plans into practice. We slept the first night in the hostel in a room with complete strangers, another thing we had never done before. Another moment of change came when we moved on to Barcelona; I realized that not only was I capable of traveling on my own and living with strangers, but that I was truly enjoying it. Meeting people from all over the world and realizing you have much more in common with them than you thought. Creating connections and friendships with people that were strangers and that you may very well never see again. It was such a special experience.


When on the actual study abroad trip, the experience was very different. We were in a comfortable living situation and able to settle in. We were around the same group of people for several weeks. It was very comforting to be able to create a sense of home while being so far away. The friendships made here were incredibly special and I still talk to many of those friends today. Although I look back and see this trip as perfect and amazing, I encountered some problems as well. I was really hoping to get the chance to learn and practice Italian and make more connections in the local area, but Sorrento was more of a tourist destination. The locals are so used to people not knowing Italian and just visiting for a bit, which is completely understandable. I just wish that I made more of an effort to meet more locals and immerse myself in their lifestyle.


Once returning to the US, that is where the real challenges set in. I came back on such a high, knowing that it was the best summer of my life. I felt that because my eyes had been opened to the world, there was no going back. Because I had that experience, I knew that I would find a way to incorporate international studies or find my way back one day. At UF, getting involved in the International Scholars Program has helped me to keep that flame inside me. To keep dedicating time to international exploration, no matter how busy life can get. I have gotten the chance to meet awesome international students through the Navigators program, learned about other cultures during museum nights, and taken courses with an international focus. I also have been more in tune with global news and what is happening in the world. My travels and my involvement in the ISP program have ignited a spark within me to look outside myself and into the world.


After graduation, I have big hopes to get back to traveling. I am in the process of planning a Europe trip currently and also looking into Master’s programs abroad. I am also searching for jobs that have an international focus or even an ex-patriate program. I know as I move forward that traveling and international awareness will be central to how I think and what I do. I am incredibly grateful to have gotten the chance to experience this and be a a part of the International Scholars Program.



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