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  • Writer's pictureCarlee Hontz

My First Week in Sorrento <3

My first week in Sorrento has honestly not been what I expected. It is crazy to think that I have only been here for a week, but at the same time I feel like I have done so much! The day we got here I was in awe at the views on the way from Napoli to Sorrento. Once we arrived, the school was not what I expected. The dorm we are staying in is incredibly nice with a view of the water, and it is connected to the school.

Our first full day, we had an Orientation along with walking tour which was very informational and helpful. It was so cool to walk around Sorrento with all of the students in the program. I unfortunately was sick for the first several days of the trip, so after the tour I took a long nap. Being sick is making me frustrated because sometimes I feel like I can’t be fully present in the moment and appreciate where I am. I tried my best to push through, and it wasn’t too difficult to be distracted by the insane views of Sorrento.

My first sit down Italian meal was Gnocchi Alla Sorrentina at MoMo and it was divine. Throughout the first week, I have tried several restaurants, many sandwiches, making my own food with groceries and I must say I don’t think I have disliked a single meal here. The ingredients are so fresh and I get excited to cook here.

As for classes, I had a mishap with my registration so I was a bit stressed out at first but I am currently enrolled in the UF Course about the history of this area and Competing in a Global environment which is the business course. I have already learned so much in the UF Course and I wish I did more research before coming on this trip. I have only had one in person meeting for my business course, but the professor seems like he has a great approach to learning. For example, this week we are working on flipping the classroom; we research the information on a chosen topic outside of class and will have to present our findings to the other students.

My first weekend here was very busy. On Friday, July 8th, we had a field trip to Naples. This was a very cool day where I feel as if I learned a ton about the area. We had a “Photographic Scavenger Hunt” in which we took photos of different aspects of the city of Naples.

On Saturday, July 9th, we took a hike to the Baths of Regina Giovanna (Bagni Regina Giovanna). It was cool to see a different side of Sorrento which was more present in nature. We hiked there, saw the area where the ruins of the old Roman villa were, swam in the baths and took a bus back to Sorrento (we were exhausted).

Sunday, July 10th, we made our way along the Amalfi Coast. The places we visited were beautiful, but they felt very overpopulated for me personally. I love how the houses cascaded down the mountain, the water was so clear, the food was good. We took a ferry to Amalfi from Positano which may have been my favorite part of the day. Seeing the coast from a view other than a bus was incredible.

We got huge sandwiches in Amalfi from this cute shop and the workers were so friendly. We next made our way to Ravello by van, which made me pretty motion sick. Despite feeling ill, Ravello was gorgeous. It felt more secluded here with less tourists and a more “small town feel”.

Visiting the Amalfi Coast was something that I had always wanted to do. It was beautiful, but after learning in class about some of the unsustainable tourist practices that go on there, it opened my eyes to more than just the pretty coastline. The water was filled with boats, every inch of the beaches covered in chairs, and shops filled with lemon-themed souvenirs and coral jewelry. Several of these things disrupt the marine ecosystems and are detrimental to wildlife. Also, after thinking about it more, it disappoints me that the locals who live here may feel like they must sell their culture. It was so beautiful to visit, but knowing these things makes me want to assist in conservation efforts, educate myself and others before blindly visiting places and figuring out more of the history and local culture.

My friends and I stayed the night in Amalfi in an apartment with views of the ocean and the mountains. We got dinner outside the cathedral which was a great view. We spent the day at the beach the following day and took the ferry home.

Overall, my first week in Sorrento has been very good but has not been what I expected. I find myself wanting to learn more about history and the local areas. The major tourist areas are sometimes very overwhelming and crowded which can take away from their beauty a little bit. I have enjoyed all of the new friends I have made so far, the new places I have been, and I am so excited for what is to come!

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